The Sayisi Dene were uprooted from their traditional caribou hunting grounds in northern Manitoba and forcibly relocated, under the pretext of conserving caribou herds.
In 1956, the Government of Canada forcibly removed the Sayisi Dene from our homelands within the Seal River Watershed and relocated the community to Churchill–without consultation, or adequate planning. From Camp 10 to Dene Village, community members faced crushing poverty, violence, despair, and relentless racism. About a third of the Sayisi Dene community died during those years.
In the early 1970s, Sayisi Dene leaders and community members took it upon themselves to return to the land, settling at Tadoule Lake. Though the scars of relocation continue to reverberate through the generations, restoring the connection to our territory and renewing the responsibility to care for lands and waters brought strength and healing to our community.
In 2016, the Government of Canada officially apologized for the relocation and the trauma that followed. Recognizing the vision to create the Seal River Watershed Indigenous Protected Area is an important step on the path of reconciliation.
This award-winning documentary explores the forced relocation of of Sayisi Dene First Nation through the voices of those affected.
We shot and edited this story in and around Tadoule Lake (1971-1992) and tracked down witnesses to this event across Canada.
We produced it independent of any broadcaster or government spin and enabled the testimony of those who had first-hand experience and knowledge of the event, much of it in the Dene language.
Since Nuhoniyeh was released on Vision, PBS, CBC and CBC North, we have continued to be involved with recording and reflecting the communities, culture, languages and environment of the Seal River Region and Western Hudson Bay.
From 1989 to 1992 we intensively searched for explanation and memory of the 1956 relocation by recording and combining the personal truths and perspectives of many individuals.
Nuhoniyeh: (Our Story)

Nuhoniyeh won awards including a Geminii - The Canada Award, but that wasn’t the point. We hope that through this film and the recorded words of the Elders (from all backgrounds) we may help to create a basis for an on-going and informed conversation between Canada and the Sayisi Dene People.
In the up-coming documentary "Seal River - Indigenous and Protected" we will refer to and possibly include parts of archived original 1971-1997 recordings as we revisit the land itself.
There are many powerful voices in these archives that are still waiting to be heard. Many speak with a very deep understanding of the land and history, language and culture. In our archives are also the words of Elders from Cree (South Indian Lake) and Inuit (Arviat) communities. These many voices will undoubtedly help guide the upcoming documentary with the support of communities in the Seal River Region.
“Without the preservation of this territory, who would we be?”