We Are Made from the Land
We Are Made from the Land
Dene and Cree peoples have had a relationship with the Seal River Watershed since time immemorial. Now the Sayisi Dene First Nation, Northlands Dene Nation, Barren Lands First Nation, and O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation have come together to permanently protect the watershed as an Indigenous Protected Area.
We Are Made from the Land tells the story of our work to care for the watershed, heal from the trauma of relocation, and ensure these lands will sustain our communities far into the future.
Watch the 38-minute film by clicking here.
Watch the trailer below:

“My community carries trauma every day. We come from a really sad, dark history. We were separated from the land, separated from caribou. It's something we don't want to repeat and would hate one day for our grandkids to say there's no more caribou because we didn't speak up for them. That’s what inspired us to start this Indigenous Protected Area.”
— Stephanie Thorassie, Sayisi Dene First Nation